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  1. Woman
  2. Brands
  3. Versace Jeans Couture

Versace Jeans Couture Scarlett 74VA3S52 Black Slingback shoe

REF:: 492-A3S52B


Color: Black

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Shine from the top of these Scarlett stilettos by Versace Jeans Couture. This slingback shoe features an elegant silhouette for a beautiful and super-exclusive look, always! Discover all the new and returning collections at PROF at

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  • DEVOLUCIONES GRATIS. 100 días naturales.

  • Additional information


    • Upper: Black varnished synthetic leather and fabric slingback with logo. Inner sole & Lining: Synthetic leather insole and lining. Outer Sole: Synthetic leather. Heel height: 9 cm. Style: Scarlett 74VA3S52.


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  • Versace Jeans Couture Slingback shoe
  • Versace Jeans Couture Slingback shoe
  • Versace Jeans Couture Slingback shoe
  • Versace Jeans Couture Slingback shoe

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