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  1. Woman
  2. Bags and Purses
  3. Bags & Wallets

Emporio Armani Y3D165 YVM1X Multicolour Handbag

REF:: 5-Y3D165P


Color: Multicolour

By purchasing this product you will earn 14,50€

The Emporio Armani Y3D165 YVM1X handbag is a disruptive version of the Emporio Armani Y3D165 handbag. Featuring an interlaced effect, this handbag features a modern and fun design, characteristic of the Emporio Armani brand. The mixture of two colors (blue and pink) of this bag allows it to be easily combined with any outfit, making it ideal to be worn to work or to a social event. Plus, the adjustable strap lets you carry it comfortably over your shoulder or by hand. The Emporio Armani logo is delicately emblazoned on the front of the bag, adding a touch of understated elegance and sophistication.

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    • Emporio Armani Handbag
    • Emporio Armani Handbag
    • Emporio Armani Handbag

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