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  1. Woman
  2. Brands
  3. Limbic

Love & Stones HEAL Glass Candle Transparent Candle

REF:: 67-19253



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"CURE" Black Tourmaline. The stone that protects your natural energy and releases fear and anxiety. A powerful blend of fragrances and natural oils of lemongrass and patchouli. Believe in the power of crystals to love, believe in your dreams, and create happy and abundant energy in your life. For each candle, an aroma of organic essential oil blends that combine with the healing properties of crystals. All Love & Stones candles are designed in Copenhagen and handcrafted in Mallorca, using all-natural soy wax and fused with only organic essential oils. Each candle is paired with a corresponding crystal amplifying the energy. When lighting your "Love & Stones" candle, you can choose to leave the stones or remove them and place them near the candle. If you want to leave them on the candle, just make sure they aren't too close to the wick, as this can extinguish the flame, so move them a little to the side while the wax melts. Do not let the candle burn for more than 3 hours at a time and trim the wick to 0.5 cm after burning the candle. Please never leave your "Love & Stones" candle unattended. Each candle is a love story that will last a long time. Just clean the glass or ceramic with hot water and use it in your daily life. In all "Love & Stones" designs, the focus is always on the “reuse” of ceramics and glass, so as not to create waste. DISCLAIMERS Some crystals may come loose during transportation, this will not affect the firing quality. Products may vary slightly from the image due to the specific crystals and their shape and size. Characteristics: Max burning time: 40 hours. 290 ml.

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  • DEVOLUCIONES GRATIS. 100 días naturales.

    • Love & Stones Candle
    • Love & Stones Candle
    • Love & Stones Candle
    • Love & Stones Candle

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