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Forcefield Athletic Shoe Cleaner Starter Kit n.a. Sneaker Cleaning Kit

REF:: 141-21279



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ForceField Starter Kit is the ideal cleaning kit to clean your sporty shoes (sneakers & trainers). This kit consists of a spray (100 ml) for the cleaning of your shoes and a brush with double intensity. The aqueous solution is soft enough to clear all materials, but at the same time strong enough to remove the most stubborn stains. The brush is divided into two parts, at the black part you'll find a conducive brush for the most delicate materials, while the grey brush is more appropriate for cleaning midsoles and outsoles. Fill a small bowl with water and dip the brush, then apply a generous amount of product on the brush and brush it slowly till forming foam. Finally, wipe with a towel and let it dry in the open air.

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  • Devoluções Grátis. Tem 100 dias.


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