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  1. The Lab.yrinth - Man

Love & Stones MANIFEST Infused Mist Transparent Spray diffuser

REF:: 67-20168



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BLACK TOURMALINE INFUSED CRYSTAL MISTS FOR YOUR MIND, SOULThis mist are great when used in the morning to get the day started when you just mist gently around you and breathe. For meditation, getting ready for sleep to mist on your pillow but also on your clothe and even as your perfume. THE GREEN AVENTURINE STONE The Green Aventurine crystal is said to come into your life to let you know that everything you dream is possible and to guide you with the energy of the stone to make it all happendTHE SCENTED BLEND The blend of the essential oils of Bergamot and Patchouli together with the green aventurin stones will give you a feeling a great energy for the mind, and soul, as well as an inner happiness. Each stone we use have been cleared, cleansed and charged under the Mallorcan sun, in salted water.Details:100ml.

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    • Love & Stones Spray diffuser
    • Love & Stones Spray diffuser
    • Love & Stones Spray diffuser
    • Love & Stones Spray diffuser

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